Mother's Day Gift Ideas For Your Wife: Based on Her Personality Type

Time is running out and you NEED Mother's Day gift for your wife.

But not any gift, one that is PERFECT for her personality.  Don't worry by the end of this short read you will know exactly what to get her and where to get it.

According to psychologists, here are the top mom personality types:

  1. The Perfectionist Mom: Your girl is a planner, can't sit down and relax, and wants everything to be just right.
  2. The Overwhelmed Mom:  This mama needs a break.  Keeping up with all things motherhood is a struggle.  She's constantly on the verge of laughing or crying.
  3. The Fun Mom:  She takes your kids on spontaneous adventures, never afraid to get dirty, and enjoys her wine with her girlfriends.

What to get your wife for Mother's Day if she is a Perfectionist Mom:

what to get wife for mother's day

First of all, your girl needs you to take the wheel.  The amount that she worries and frets is super draining.

Mother's Day Gift Idea No. 1:

A Day Off Coupon.  You and the kids create a coupon (have them color it) that explains she has the day off.

Terms and Conditions: Mom will not clean, do dishes, laundry, or worry about hosting the perfect party.  We got you covered!

The Day Off Coupon can be for Mother's Day or it can be for a day (preplanned by you) in the future.  Put an expiration date on the coupon so she can't push it off, since giving up control is a struggle for her.

Mother's Day Gift Idea No. 2:

At Home Spa Day.  A perfectionist is full of anxiety and worries constantly.  They worry what people will think of them, they worry they are not doing a good enough job, and they worry that they are not doing enough.

If I was a perfectionist, I would want my husband to take the wheel for a bit to lighten my overthinking load.

Plan a 2-3 hour at home spa day for her, put on by you and the kids.


  • Bath salts, 3 in 1 body oil, body butter. Grab them here:
  • Three candles: one for the bath, one for the massage, and one for when she is relaxing with her wine.  Grab them here:
  • A bottle of her favorite wine.
  • Optional: a white robe to make her feel super fancy: Grab one here:
  • A handmade card from the kids with this message in it:  Enjoy an at home spa day!  You have handmade bath salts, body butter, and a hand-poured soy candle waiting for you in the bathroom. Next, come into the bedroom where the kids and I will give you a massage with body oil and light another special candle.  After the kids are in bed, we will enjoy a glass of wine with each other.

What to get your wife for Mother's Day if She is an Overwhelmed Mom:

perfect mother's day ideas

This mama needs a break ASAP.

Mother's Day Gift Idea No. 1:

A Solo Target Run.  Order a Target gift card online: Target gift card, and a Starbucks gift card.  Write in the card:  I wish I could give you multiple solo shopping trips, because you deserve it.  You are an amazing mother to our kids and I want you to treat yourself.  On _____ insert the date _____ I got the kids and you're heading to Target, alone.  Grab your iced coffee from Starbucks and enjoy all the time you want looking at pretty things (use your words lol).

Mother's Day Gift Idea No. 2:

Home Alone Gift Basket.  Go to the store and grab all her favorite treats, snacks and beverage.  Write in the card:  The kids and I are off! We are headed to ___ insert where _____ (ie my parent's house/park) and you get the house to yourself.  We got all of your favorite snacks, so you can turn on your Netflix show, put your feet up, and chill.

What to Get Your Wife for Mother's Day if She is a Fun Mom

mothers day gift ideas for my wife

Mother's Day Gift Idea No. 1:

A Family Adventure!  Go to google and find state park, new activity, or fun place to go and write this in the card:  Our kids are so lucky to have a mom like you.  We have planned a fun family adventure today.  We are heading to ___ insert the place___.  On the way we will grab some sandwiches to go and have a picnic. Get ready for a day of exploring and celebrating what a cool mom you are!

Mother's Day Gift Idea No. 2:

Family Backyard Adventure! 


Grab a new yard game, some frisbees, or laser tag pack.

Bon fire supplies: Wood, marshmallow sticks, s'more supplies.

Her favorite backyard drink of choice and snacks for the family.

Or BBQ if you plan to make it last all day.

Write in the card: Get ready for a backyard blast!  As a family we will play ___ insert the activity ____, enjoy some dinner, and then wrap it up with a bon fire and s'mores.  We love you baby!

Additional Mother's Day Gift Ideas from Our Shop:

Monthly Subscription Box:  I'm a mom, and I would LOVE candles just showing up at my door each month.

Last year, I got my husband Butcher Box  and he loves having meat show up on our front step each month.  She would love this, trust me.

A Soy Candle Gift Bundle.  These arrive at your door gift ready.  Not only do you get a perfectly curated gift, we included all the gifting supplies: Gift bag, tissue paper, and tag.

Mother's Day Gift Ideas: if You're Short On Time:

last minute mother's day gift ideas

Plan a date night for her.  Arrange childcare, pick her favorite place or find a new place to experience together.  Write all this in a card that you can get the same day.

Plan a girls night our for her.  Message her BFF, ask her when she can hang with your wife, and write in the card: You deserve a night out with your girls.  This is when it's happening, I got the kids, and enjoy!

Gift her the trifecta!

At your local grocery store or Walgreens you should be able to find a gift card to: Home Goods, TJMaxx, and Target.  Get her one of each (and if you want bonus points a Starbucks gift card) and write in the card: Have fun baby!

Greenhouse Hopping!  Write in the card: Clear out the car we are heading to the greenhouse today!  Let's make our home beautiful and grab ___ $xxx ___ worth of flowers.

Okay! This should take care of you and her for Mother's Day!

The biggest thing is to show her that you see how hard she works, you appreciate her, and you wouldn't want to do life with anyone but her.  And my gosh the kids are lucky to have her as their mama.

Have fun with this guys!