Body Positive: Like the Body You Have

Do you like the body that you have?

Let me ask this another way, how much does not liking the body that you have steal from your everyday moments?

The book I'm reading has a curvy main character that decides to stop the perpetual dieting and choose to like the body that she has.

Now I know it theory this is easier than in reality but I decided to try it.

From a girl that grew up on diets with her mom, battled an eating disorder for 8 years, got on stage for a fitness competition (post kids), looking at the current state of my body doesn't make me feel good.

And yet, reading the words from this fictional character gave me the gumption to put on a pair of shorts yesterday.  Every time I looked down and saw the cellulite or passed a cuter body I said the mantra, I like the body that I have right now.

I'm not saying 'love' because that is a stretch and not true.  But I can like it.

Currently we are heading into the summer months. Think of all the things we miss because we try to hide our imperfect bodies:

Swim parties

Beach days

Running in the sprinkler

Boat rides


Swimming at hotels

I can go on and on.  But please hear me when I say this, I know how hard we can be on ourselves, and I know the time will pass whether we choose to like the body we have or not.

That means when the pool party is over and you stayed dressed on the sidelines, you missed it.  The opportunity to make life long memories with your daughter is gone.  And why? because we hold ourselves prisoner.

Your body says nothing about you as a person.  NOTHING.  Your family doesn't say, she is the most amazing person, chunky but amazing. No they say, we love her! 

As we go into Summer I'm choosing to like the body that I have and create some special memories with my family.

Will you join me?