A Heartfelt Creation: The Rose Gold Mercury Tumbler from Bella Vida Candles

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We're thrilled to share a little story with you—a story about a special creation that's close to our hearts. As Valentine's Day approaches, we want to craft something that celebrates love and brings a touch of exclusive elegance to your home.

Meet our limited edition Rose Gold Mercury 3-Wick Tumbler, a true labor of love. Let's not forget its perfect companion, our Strawberries and Champagne soy candle.

The Essence of Celebration

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Imagine capturing the essence of a joyful toast and the sweetness of a shared moment in a candle. That's precisely what we've done with our Strawberries and Champagne scent.

It's a lively and heartwarming fragrance, making any space feel more inviting and celebratory. It's like bottling up those precious moments of togetherness and joy.

Craftsmanship Meets Elegance

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We knew it had to be extraordinary when we set out to design the Rose Gold Mercury Tumbler. Each tumbler is crafted with the utmost care, ensuring every piece is as unique as the moments you'll share around it.

The rose gold finish adds a touch of sophistication. At the same time, the mercury effect creates a warm, alluring glow, turning everyday spaces into cozy sanctuaries of love and comfort.

Why Three Wicks? Let Us Tell You!

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We chose a triple-wick design for this unique tumbler because we believe in the beauty of abundance. More wicks mean a fuller, richer fragrance experience and a light that's inviting and enveloping.

It's about creating a luxurious and heartwarming ambiance—a perfect backdrop for making memories.

An Exclusive Invitation

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This Valentine's Day, we invite you to indulge in the exclusivity of our Rose Gold Mercury Tumbler. In a world where things often feel mass-produced, we take pride in offering something unique that speaks of care, love, and attention to detail.

Picture This in Your Home

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Now, let's imagine this beautiful tumbler in your space. Whether setting the mood for a romantic dinner, adding a touch of elegance to your quiet reading corner, or simply being a centerpiece that sparks conversation, this candle is more than an object—it's an experience, a story waiting to unfold in your home.

A Gift from the Heart

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If you're looking for a gift that speaks volumes about your thoughtfulness, our Rose Gold Mercury Tumbler is it. It's not just a gift; it's a gesture, a way to share a piece of beauty and a moment of serenity.

Wrapping Up Our Story

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So, there you have it—a piece of our heart crafted into a candle that's more than just a light source. It's a source of joy, a symbol of the special moments we cherish.

As makers, we pour our passion into creating these little treasures, hoping they'll light up your world just as they've brightened ours.

Remember, our Rose Gold Mercury Tumbler is a limited edition, so it's an exclusive treat we're excited for you to enjoy. We hope it brings a special glow to your Valentine's Day and beyond, filling your home with warmth, elegance, and the sweetest memories.

With love and light,

Ryan and Jess

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