6 Simple Steps For a Healthy Relationship

Why is it so hard to stay in love?

Even when there's time to reconnect, it almost feels like one more thing to do rather than something to look forward to.

Before I tell you the secret, I want you to answer one question:

How do your babies know you love them?

I'm sure you tell them.

Snuggle them.

Shuttle them.

Play with them.

Tell them 'thank you' for listening, 'thank you' for cleaning, 'thank you' for helping.

And I bet without a doubt they know, they are loved.

I know you know where this is going AND we all need this reminder.

We have to make our relationship our highest priority IF we want to feel in love.

How does that look with a busy household?
  • You kiss for a minimum of 6 seconds twice a day (scientifically proven results).
  • You say thank you for every adult task you see your partner doing (garbage, dishes, lawn care, EVERYTHING).
  • Ask, what was the best part of your day?
  • Snuggle.
  • Play.
  • And say, I love you.

That's it.

The secret to staying in love is to never stop dating.

I know this wasn't about candles today AND I hope one person that reads this, needed to hear this today and it helps.

Have a wonderful Thursday and enjoy falling back in love😘.